Engineering, Creativity, and the Dance of Life: A Father's Journey
From late-night study sessions to guiding my daughter’s path, how engineering shaped my perseverance, creativity, and life philosophy
A Tale of Dice Probabilities, Bunco Night, And Stacking The Odds
We all try to stack the odds in our favor.
Be a Warrior in a Garden, Not a Gardener in a War
Prepare yourself and your loved ones. If we can’t reverse the coming climate catastrophe and biodiversity extinction, then we need to prepare to survive.
Focus: The Word of The Year
Embracing "Focus" as the word for 2023, this essay reflects on key aspects of life to concentrate on, from health to relationships and peace.
The Big Rocks in Life
A reflection on prioritizing life's "Big Rocks" over work during a hectic Silicon Valley trip, aiming to find balance and leave a meaningful legacy.
An Essay on Being Uncomfortable
The problem is that we focus too much on a person’s personality traits that we forget to see what makes them real. If you strip away the money, their awesome life, or how beautiful they are, are they really pieces of shit?
Experiencing Farmhouse Ales
How this particular Farmhouse Ale will undoubtedly be brewed completely differently in the next town, and the next after!
On Self Reliance
Make your mistakes but follow the truth! Don’t compromise who you are and walk tall. Don’t be discouraged when things go wrong, just pick yourself up and keep going.